The purchase of Refurbished technology is gaining more and more ground among consumers, driven by growing economic and ...
Pregnancy is a special moment in every woman’s life. It can be a time of joy or, unfortunately, a cause of suffering, but it ...
Less than 24 hours from what could be defined the first selective cyber attack with real consequences, the first speculations ...
On September 17, the authoritative political website American 270toWin updates the data relating to the map that it proposes ...
They started badly, they ended worse. The Paris Olympics will be remembered for a long time, and not necessarily in a ...
There is not only the appointment of Raffaele Fitto as Vice President of the European Commission. The new government headed ...
After many weeks of waiting by fans, in these hours Apple is releasing the update iOS 18 also valid for other “Apple” devices ...
Greater safety for all teenagers who will no longer have free access to unsuitable content, making the platform accessible ...
At the Heart of Glass”, or in heart of glassof an Italian industry of excellence in the world which with its supply chain ...
To understand, or rather try to understand what is happening in these hours in Lebanon we must start from the attempt to ...
my soul, my logic, my common sense cannot accept that I have to live in a world where Salis is in Brussels and Minister ...
Floods, droughts, fires, heat waves and cold waves are set to become increasingly common due to climate change. And more and ...