For 60 years, people sat sideways in the open two-seater chair lift, enjoying direct views of the Doldenhorn as they were carried up towards Lake Oeschinen. Today, guests are whisked up the mountain ...
On just 26 kilometres, the Arosa Line negotiates 1000 metres in altitude. As a tram, the Rhaetian Railway train first meanders through Chur – passing by the city walls, the Maltese Tower and the Upper ...
Randonnée dans le vallon sauvage et authentique de Réchy, le long de vastes marécages abritant des plantes rares. Le chemin fait une boucle par le lac de montagne du Louché, qui attire souvent des ...
La regione della Gruyère, con le sue verdeggianti valli e ombreggiata dalle cime delle Prealpi friburghesi, è la patria del famosissimo formaggio gruyère. L’incantevole cittadina medievale di Gruyères ...
Ska-Night mit probably the next big thing aka Kalles Kaviar aus Basel und Canastron aus Zürich.
This 18th century castle is located in a romantic park overlooking Lake Geneva. It was the home of Necker and his daughter ...
Mitwirkende und Zusatzinformationen: Shuya Okino (Musical Director, Percussion, Vocals), Vanessa Freeman (Vocals), Indy Eka ...
Während mehreren Tagen lädt das One Of A Million Musikfestival – kurz OOAM – Besucher*innen zu einer musikalischen ...
Gottesdienst zum Eidg. Dank-, Buss- und Bettag in der Marienkirche Basel mit dem Gesangchor, der die Messe in e (1983) für ...
The Sound Trail is the flagship of the Klangwelt Toggenburg and has been a great success story for a long time, known far beyond the borders of Switzerland. Families, nature lovers, music and culture ...
Das Zürioberland praktiziert gemeinsam Yoga Yoga-Enthusiasten, Yoga-Interessierte, Yoga-Neulinge und Yoga-Schaffende kommen ...
Das Early-Bird-Angebot findet an ausgelesenen Daten in der Wintersaison statt. Die Gumen-Piste ist an diesen Daten bereits ab ...