U.S. President Donald Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants and redeveloped into an international beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son ...
As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
With fighters from the M23 rebel movement appearing poised to enter the city of Goma, the U.N. Security Council met a day early on Sunday to discuss the fighting, in which three U.N. peacekeepers have ...
U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened tariffs and sanctions to punish Colombia for refusing to accept military flights carrying deportees, part of his sweeping immigration crackdown. But in a ...
Chinese startup DeepSeek's cheaper AI is sharpening investor scrutiny of the billions U.S. tech giants are pouring to develop the technology and analysts say it will dominate this week's much-awaited ...
The Trump administration urged U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) workers to join the effort to transform how Washington allocates aid around the world in line with Trump’s “America ...
天文台指, 一股強烈冬季季候風會在今早逐漸影響華南沿岸, 周末期間該區早晚寒冷, 內陸地區嚴寒, 漸轉天晴乾燥. 隨著季候風在下周初被偏東氣流取代, 下周中期廣東沿岸氣溫稍為回升, 天氣較為潮濕及有一兩陣雨. 天文台預測, 香港今日大致多雲, 早上清涼及有一兩陣微雨, 氣溫約15度, 日間短暫時間有陽光及乾燥, 最高氣溫約18度, 稍後氣溫逐步下降, 晚上市區最低氣溫約13度, 新界再低一兩度, ...
天文台凌晨12點發出特別天氣提示, 指一股強烈冬季季候風會在今早逐漸影響華南沿岸, 本港今日稍後氣溫將逐步下降, 天文台屆時會發出寒冷天氣警告, 預料明日早上市區氣溫會在11度左右 ...
伊朗東南部一架巴士失事翻側, 造成至少6人死亡, 27人受傷. 事發在當地星期四晚上約6點半, 當時一架載有學生的巴士, 正從伊朗東南部克爾曼省馬漢市一條城際公路前往省會克爾曼, 行駛期間翻側, 6人死亡, 當中包括4名學生及1名老師, 傷者中兩人情況危殆. 有報道指, 涉事巴士事發時載有40名女學生, 傷者已被送往醫院治理, 相關部門正調查意外原因.