兩架私家車日前在青衣相撞, 被揭發涉及黑幫糾紛, 再多3人落網, 共5人被捕.         事發於本周三清晨約5點, 警方指, 當時一架白色私家車在青衣西路往機場方向行駛, 駛至長亨邨對開公園, 切線撞向一架黑色私家車後, 四輪朝天, 橫臥路中並冒煙起火. 26歲白色私家車男司機自行爬出車廂, 未能通過酒精呼氣測試, 現場檢獲兩支鐵棍, 涉嫌藏有攻擊性武器, 酒後駕駛及狂亂駕駛被捕; 24歲男 ...
歐洲三大主要股市收市全線上升, 法國股市升超過百分之2; 德國股市升近百分之1.6, 英國股市升約百分之0.9.         美國聯儲局大幅減息半厘, 利好歐洲股市氣氛.         倫敦富時100指數收報8328點, 升75點, 升幅百分之0.91.         法蘭克福DAX指數收報19002點, 升290點, 升幅百分之1.55.         巴黎CAC指數收報7615點, ...
美股收市全線上升. 美國聯儲局減息半厘, 並表示會進一步減息, 加上美國上星期首次申領失業救濟金人數較市場預期少, 令投資者對美國經濟衰退的憂慮降溫, 刺激買盤入市.         美股三大指數中, 納指表現最好, 升超過百分之2; 道指及標普500指數齊創歷史新高兼收市新高, 收市升幅都超過百分之1.         道瓊斯工業平均指數高見42160點, 創歷史新高; 並首次收在42000點以 ...
在美國上市的主要港股預託證券(ADR)價格, 與港股收市價比較, 個別發展.         藍籌股當中, 長和(00001)ADR折合港元計, 收報42.94元, 較本港收市高0.04元; 滙控(00005)ADR收報69.69元, 高1.14元; 港交所(00388)ADR收報238.54元, 高0.34元; 騰訊(00700)ADR收報390.2元, 高1.4元; 友邦(01299)ADR收 ...
為慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年, 運輸署將於10月19日至22日, 主辦巴士巡遊暨展覽, 讓市民一次過觀賞各間專營巴士公司展出的各類巴士和珍貴展品, 回顧香港專營巴士服務發展.         巴士展覽費用全免, 市民可以在今日上午11點起, 經Cityline購票通登記預約參觀日期和時間, 名額先到先得, 額滿即止 .成功登記人士需按選定時段憑二維碼入場, 每名入場人士可獲紀念門票一張.
港股高收, 恒生指數昨日收報18013點, 升353點, 升幅百分之2, 大市成交1487億幾.         港股及美股上升, 期指夜市亦跟隨上升.         即月恒指夜期收報18177點, 升118點, 高水164點, 合約成交22929張.         即月國指夜期收報6354點, 升35點, 高水48點, 合約成交27182張.
Israeli warplanes launched on Thursday about 60 airstrikes on Hezbollah strongholds in southern and eastern Lebanon, according to Lebanese military sources.         The sources, who spoke anonymously, ...
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on Thursday that the explosions in Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday, which targeted communication devices, amounted to "an act of war and a declaration of war by ...
The Chinese government never allows any illegal or violent activities, and China has been and will continue taking effective measures to protect the safety of all foreigners in China, a Chinese foreig ...
At least one person was killed and 13 others injured Thursday in a strike on Ukraine's northeastern city of Sumy, authorities said.         Russian forces struck the city with a guided aerial bomb, hi ...
A recent study suggests that the first humans to settle on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus were responsible for driving two unique megafauna species to extinction: the dwarf elephant (Palae ...
Some 400 representatives of auto dealers and manufacturers from Spain and China met in Madrid on Thursday at the first Spanish-Chinese automotive summit, which aims to enhance collaboration.         " ...