President Dr. Elizabeth Mullineaux last night reaffirmed BVA’s commitment to continue lobbying the UK Government to secure ...
Good workplaces support requests for flexible working wherever possible, from all team members, regardless of the reason for their request. Flexible working can have many benefits for individuals, ...
It is essential for sheep health and welfare, that any procedures having the potential to create pain and suffering should be balanced against the need for that procedure. Castration and tail-docking ...
Work experience is the short-term placement of secondary school students with employers, to provide an insight into the veterinary profession and the veterinary workplace. Students are placed with ...
Initial Emergency Treatment (IET) is the preliminary assessment and care of sick and injured animals. This guide outlines the arrangement between BVA and RSPCA for payment for IET of sick or injured ...
BVA working groups bring together veterinary professionals to review and devise responses to specific policy and ethical areas within the veterinary sector. Details of current working groups will be ...
Sustainable animal agriculture is defined as animal agriculture carried out in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of the future. Global ...
Glue traps are used to catch rodents, usually mice or rats. Non-drying glue is placed on a board so that they are unable to escape as their fur or limbs get stuck to the glue. We're concerned that ...
BVA recognises the importance of markets, informed and concerned consumers, and socially responsible retailers and caterers in creating demand and financial viability for higher standards of animal ...
This prescription is for single-use only unless otherwise certified. All products for retail supply are subject to VAT.
Veterinary medicine is considered to be highly competitive, and the course is regularly touted as being one of the hardest to secure a place on. However, BVA, the Association of Veterinary Students, ...