Trederra announced an exclusive supply agreement with Tyre Recycling Solutions (TRS) of Switzerland supporting the production of Trederra™ footwear outsoles made from end-of-life tires.
Carbon black is one of the main components of tires or products made from rubber and is also found in colorants used in the plastics industry. What is behind the name? - Specially produced and ...
A Pennsylvania-based fracking company is the subject of controversy after one of its projects was listed as an environmental justice initiative under a federal government program U.S. Department of En ...
A judge in the Brazilian state of Rondonia has found two beef slaughterhouses guilty of buying cattle from a protected area of former rainforest in the Amazon and ordered them, along with three cattle ...
There’s a bit of a disturbing trend in the automotive world right now. Several traditional automakers are suddenly easing off the electrification accelerator in response to a perceived slowdown in EV ...
A technology startup backed by the Biden administration has scrapped its plans to build a massive facility in Wyoming for filtering climate pollution from the atmosphere, leaving fate of the world’s ...