The second in a series of Common Ground Democracy essays on the philosophy of democracy and its implications for electoral systems.
Democrats Sure Aren’t Acting as If Trump Beating Biden is an Existential Threat to Democracy, Slate, July 10, 2024. Trump Immunity Ruling Will Be John Roberts’ Legacy to Ameri ...
Charlie Martel as written this article for the Cardozo Law Review. Here is the abstract: This article is an argument for a federal constitutional right to vote for president at a time when voting ...
Votebeat: Arizona election officials who suddenly discovered that they hadn’t obtained proof of citizenship from nearly 100,000 registered voters were relieved last month when the Arizona Supreme ...
LAT: California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta has begun pressing Los Angeles political leaders to sign a legal agreement that would force them to draw new boundaries for the city’s 15 council districts — a ...
The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law, 134 Yale Law Journal (forthcoming 2025), draft available: https://papers ...
The US Supreme Court opens its new term under the shadow of a presidential election that threatens to create fresh strains at a court already deeply enmeshed in the nation’s political divisions. Three ...
The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law, 134 Yale Law Journal (forthcoming 2025), draft available: https://papers ...
It’s rare to simultaneously feel red hot anger and wistfulness, especially when merely reading a document. But that’s exactly the emotions that washed over me when I read the redacted version … ...
You can read the 21-page opinion at this link. The key point from the judge is the view that counterspeech is a more narrowly tailored alternative to the regulation of political speech. I agree with ...
CNN: Just weeks before early voting begins in Georgia, Republican Party officials and Donald Trump allies are trying to preemptively sow doubt about the viability of Dominion systems used across the ...