ImpactEd Group is launching the next phase of Understanding Attendance, a large-scale national research project identifying ...
Dave Smith from Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust, will be taking on the topic of sustainability at next week's Education ...
Tablets for Schools is a charity that commissions the largest independent research programme in the world on how tablets impact learning and attainment. The latest report summarises findings from an ...
With reports that schools are having to find innovative ways to raise money and deal with funding cuts, energy charity Carbon Trust has found ways schools can cut back and save money on energy, as ...
The Chancellor announced the creation of a National Insurance Contributions (NICs) Employment Allowance in the 2013 Budget. From 6 April 2014 this new initiative enables eligible companies to reduce ...
Education Business discusses the importance of acoustic considerations in the design of classrooms, as well as noise control and sound insulation. Highlighting the key factors in the planning of such ...
In March this year, Prime Minister David Cameron announced that primary school sport is set to be transformed due to a £150 million-a-year boost that will improve coaching for the youngest pupils and ...
Public Health England's report into air quality highlights the need to reduce air pollution in the vicinity of schools. Education Business reports on the measures that can be taken to decrease ...
Not all teachers have the confidence and skill set to ensure all students are included in school PE lessons. Kat Southwell, Active Kids for All manager at the English Federation of Disability Sport, ...
The Scottish Government has proposed new regulations which would see local authorities get data so they can ensure eligible ...
Eighty-nine per cent of primary school teachers think speech and language skills have worsened since the pandemic in 2020.
Shortly before the government reshuffle, Dominic Savage, director general of BESA asked Michael Gove what policy he was most proud of during his four-year term. He responded that it was the autonomy ...