Labour was accused of clearing the way for tax rises last night, after Rachel Reeves warned Britain's public finances are in ...
The former president’s campaign team has packed the 2024 platform committee, which meets in Milwaukee this week, with the ...
Residents of Ward 4 return to the polls Tuesday to determine who will represent them on Biloxi Council for the next year. The ...
Britain's new prime minister was vehemently opposed by the same newspapers that have criticized Prince Harry and Meghan ...
Kate Forbes has backed John Swinney to improve the SNP's reputation for "competence and integrity" after a bruising general ...
The House Rules Committee will take up several bills and resolutions aimed at everything from household appliances to Trump's ...
State, federal GOP challenging Republican Legislature's law allowing absentee ballot counting for five days after an election.
France's leftist coalition won the most parliamentary seats in a pivotal legislative election that kept the far right from ...
But France looked near ungovernable, with the Paris Olympics about to open in less than three weeks. The left surged, the ...
When the court is seen as just another political actor, it’s rulings deepen divisions and risk extreme reactions.
In their decision, a three-judge panel ordered the state to draw two new black-majority Senate districts and one new black-majority House district.
A federal court has ordered the state of Mississippi to redraw its 2022 state legislative maps because it dilutes the voting ...