Sammy Hagar said he painted himself into a corner with a 1995 Van Halen song, but he was ready to sing it again in January 2025.
Curious about Eddie Van Halen’s ride when he wasn’t rocking out? Discover the story behind his 1976 Porsche 911—a classic car ...
Most guitarists can only hope to make the guitar sing, but these musicians have made everyone's perception of them slightly ...
If ever a back catalogue epitomised the American Dream, it’s the albums of Van Halen.
Celebrating the ‘80s material of prog trailblazers King Crimson, the BEAT Tour gave Vai a welcome fix of “high-information music” but some of Fripp’s material pushed him to the limit ...
It’s one of the magical things about music,” she says. “If it gets inside you, it’s yours, and nothing can take that away” ...
Though Alex had been the guitarist in the family, when they formed Van Halen, it quickly became clear who would play: "[Ed] ...