Sixteen new tenure-track and tenured professors will be teaching at Smith this year in a range of fields, including ...
Part three of “Women’s Clothes and the Stories They Tell” looks at the significance of the SCHCC as a teaching resource.
Four extraordinary alums will receive the Smith College Medal at Rally Day in February, in recognition of their contributions ...
Eleven alums from ’73 are celebrating the bonds formed during their Smith years with an endowed scholarship fund.
Living in a democracy comes with inherent privileges—and responsibilities. Smith students, faculty, staff, and alums are living up to the expectations of a democratic society in numerous ways, from ...
Join the faculty of the Department of Government for a presidential debate viewing party in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room.
Poet, translator, essayist, and editor Arvind Krishna Mehrotra was born in Lahore and educated at the universities of Allahabad and Bombay. He is the author of four books of poems, Nine Enclosures ...
Kementari Whitcher is a Lecturer in Statistical and Data Science. She has taught statistics and research methods for over 20 years, including Business Analytics and Data Analytics. Her research ...
and taxed. I can see it stuck on top of my Christmas tree. I can see it as a pair of wet socks swollen and balled. My father was a surgeon and my mother was a sandhill crane. Or my mother delivered ...