We believe everyone deserves high-quality healthcare, accessible when and where it’s needed and free at the point of use.
The Liberal Democrats have laid out a bold and ambitious plan to restore the UK’s natural environment and ensure that ...
The Liberal Democrats are committed to transforming maternal and neonatal care and ensuring inclusive care for all, so we can ...
With the right investment, we have the opportunity to turn things around and ensure that every child, regardless of their ...
For many people, Buy Now Pay Later is a useful and convenient solution, offering them flexibility with their purchases. But ...
Liberal Democrats believe in giving communities, businesses and individuals choice and freedom and that should include the ...
Liberal Democrats want to fix our broken relationship with Europe. Giving young people the opportunity to live, study and ...
Liberal Democrat Education Spokesperson Munira Wilson MP will deliver her keynote speech to the party’s conference, calling for an expansion of free school meals to all children in poverty.
Liberal Democrat Chief Whip, Wendy Chamberlain delivered a keynote speech at Lib Dem Autumn Conference. In it, she said that the Party would be the “Party of NHS and care” as she set out the Lib Dems ...
Responding to the news that 780,000 pensioners in England and Wales are set to lose their Winter Fuel Allowance because they are not expected to apply for the benefits they are entitled to.
Today (Saturday 14th September), Liberal Democrat Chief Whip Wendy Chamberlain MP will open the party’s conference with a call for the new government to focus on saving health and social care services ...
Responding to the reports that the Government did not carry out an impact assessment on cutting winter fuel support for millions of pensioners in England and Wales, Liberal Democrat Work and Pensions ...