A Hawaii inmate died of a meth overdose at the Saguaro Correctional Center last fall. Authorities arrested a prison employee ...
Lau’s experience represents a defining aspect of Honolulu’s housing crisis. With the bulk of rental apartments owned by ...
Gov. Josh Green has a historic opportunity to use his line-item veto to reject appropriations that would expand the carceral ...
The Honolulu Ethics Commission saw a spike in complaints after high-profile corruption cases, but now the number has fallen ...
"There are developers who want to help and have found a way to create 100% affordable projects to help our lowest income ...
Short takes, outtakes, our takes and other stuff you should know about public information, government accountability and ...
The following came from Johnny Keoni Prones, candidate for Maui County Council South District. The other candidates are Tom ...
As HECO tries to get new clean energy projects going, island leaders are discussing whether to make it mandatory to bury more ...
The biggest issue (root) facing our district is the generational marginalization and disenfranchisement of Native Hawaiians ...
The following came from Tom Cook, candidate for Maui County Council South District. The other candidates are Kelly Takaya ...
"End the two-party political system. The country as a whole is traveling down a dangerous road that leads to 'us vs. them.'” ...
The following came from Patrick Largey, Republican candidate for U.S. House 1st District, which covers urban Oahu. Go to ...