Melinda and her husband Philip Struska with Backpacks for Mexico in Colorado Springs toured the Choose Life Toymakers ...
Arsen Rivera Torres was born at Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center’s Family Birthing Center in Salida on September ...
The Groy family, owners of the Peal Theater on East Main Street, are hosting the first of their fundraising events to support ...
I want to express my fervent support for both Dave Armstrong and Gina Lucrezi for County Commissioners. Having known and watched Dave for some time and heard Gina speak about her approach to serving ...
I write in support of Tom McCracken for Chaffee County Commissioner, District 2. Tom believes in practical, community-based solutions to the issues we will face. On climate change, Dave Armstrong, his ...
Propaganda is information of a biased or misleading nature, promoting or publicizing a particular political cause or point of view. Propaganda often allows the undeserving to accumulate political ...
I am deeply concerned regarding the housing crisis plaguing our community. Over the past four years, my family and employees have diligently contributed to county, state and sales taxes yet are ...
The day of the BV Strong Community Dinner has perennially been overcast and chilly, and for much of Monday, Sept. 16, it ...
Everywhere I go in Chaffee County, I hear the same concerns: We need affordable housing and good schools to meet the needs of new families eager to settle here in “Paradise.” The County Commissioners ...
Weather’s getting cooler, there’s no doubt about that, Labor Day has come and gone bringing thoughts of fall, that’s what! Clouds form during the day, rain looking ominous, Showers approach while the ...
I appreciate the opportunity to extend a "thank you" to those individuals in Chaffee County, neighbors to Gunnison County, who have set up American flags along Highway 285. This highway that connects ...
I write this letter as a community member, not as a Board member with the Chaffee Housing Authority. I was born and raised here in BV. I wore hand-me-down clothes and shoes and worked hard in and out ...