British theatre has a proud heritage of science plays. From 1990s classics such as Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia (1993) and Michael ...
Elinor Dougall are both musicians of some profile in their own rights. The former, especially, for his work with Blur. Their ...
Lighters at the ready, because here comes the flood. Drawn from 16-track tape, 1/4in reels and lo-fi sound board cassettes ...
A little piece of musical history was made last night at Manchester Chamber Concerts Society’s season-opening concert. Two of ...
It takes stiff competition to outshine Yuja Wang, who last night at the Barbican complemented her spangled silver sheath with ...
You don’t need me to tell you that this particular law enforcer has served up yet another meaty helping of genius. It’s what ...
The taxi cab has become a recurring motif in modern Iranian cinema, perhaps because it approximates to a kind of dissident ...
Going to the theatre can be a little like going to church. One communes on the individual level, one’s faith in the stories ...
We meet Joe first at the keys, singing a pretty good song, but we can hear the pain in the voice - but is that the person or ...
You’re entirely bonkers… but all the best people are.” Kate Prince takes this line and runs with it in her riotous but ...
I played it on my laptop speakers. That’s not the straight up foolishness you might think, mind – after downloading something ...
Once regarded as highly as Kurosawa and Ozu, Japanese director Mikio Naruse’s star has fallen in recent decades, with few of ...