If you look at the big picture, despair is only allowed for a short moment. Then we must go back to work and continue the ...
Labour’s victory suggests that approach didn’t work. “The results look clear — voters have rejected anti net zero rhetoric ...
France's centrist prime minister issues a warning before Sunday's parliamentary elections ...
The new government, widely expected to be led by Labour, has pledged to fast-track a green energy transition. It will face ...
City Council members have been taking sides on the City Council Message Board over competing timelines for a climate bond ...
Campaigners and experts say support for environmental policies in the UK general election means Labour must now make climate ...
Lefy wing Green Party wins same number of seats as right wing Reform Party, but mainsteam media focusses on the Faragists and ...
Whichever way you slice the election results, parties that supported bold climate action have trounced those that advocated ...
As the 2024 election approached and climate disasters piled up, over 200,000 Climate Voters worked together to push climate ...
Throughout the election campaign, it became clear that people know that our natural world is in crisis and want politicians ...
For industries that work with raw materials, the EU Parliament’s shift to the right is being interpreted as a signal from ...
The Green Party secured four seats - quadrupling its representation in the Commons - now the real work begins, co-leader ...