Organizers have until Friday to collect enough signatures to put abortion access on the ballot this fall in a state where ...
Two years ago, Emily Wales, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, pledged to help make abortion legal again ...
In an ironic twist, a defamation suit that could have been avoided entirely with a simple retraction has now escalated to ...
Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had a real threat to his political career that could have had dramatic impacts to the state he ...
Laws enacted in Arkansas and Kansas will reduce income tax revenue by hundreds of millions of dollars in fiscal 2025.
Gov. Josh Shapiro's selection of Dr. Debra Bogen as his health secretary finally wins Senate confirmation but it wasn't on a ...
Organizers of an effort to scale back Arkansas' abortion ban face a deadline to submit enough signatures to try to get their ...
The approval — widely expected after the bills squeaked through the Senate earlier this month despite fierce political opposition — strengthens the president’s hand at home and abroad as ...
Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin approved the ballot titles ... It would also require two-thirds of both the House and ...
The new water plan must factor in aging infrastructure, an issue throughout Arkansas whether the area is densely or sparsely populated ...