Aim: Sampling, sample preparation, and off-line measurement are inconvenient steps for particle size characterization, as they require trained operators, method validation and sometimes transport ...
Milling is commonly used for particle-size reduction and control of particle-size distribution (PSD) for crystalline solids.
The rate of a chemical reaction can be increased by using smaller solid particles which increases the surface area of a solid reactant. This is done by cutting the substance into small pieces ...
Therefore, the present study was conducted to reassess the relationship of HDL-C, HDL particle size and apo A-I with the occurrence of CAD, with a focus on the effect of very high values of these ...
They focused on PM2.5, which is particulate matter measuring less than 2.5 microns, and its effect on head and neck aerodigestive cancer incidence. "We are looking at a certain size of air pollution ...
THE experimental determination of the relationship between the extinction coefficient and the particle size for spherical bodies having diameters less than about 50 microns is of considerable ...