Stephen M. Kamnik, a corporal from Havertown, allegedly kept thousands of pornographic images on a hard drive at his work station in Schwenksville, Montgomery County. Investigators said they ...
Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry identified the corporal as Delaware County native, Stephen Kamnik, 38, who was stationed at Troop K in Schwenksville. Kamnik was charged with felony ...
Stephen Kamnik, 38, of Havertown, was stationed in Skippack Township, Montgomery County. Authorities seized his hard drive, which contained thousands of photos. Some of those included deepfakes.
Deček Leo je bolan in v bolnišnici. V sobi je z zgovorno deklico Lučko. In ima rojstni dan. Medicinska sestra stori vse, da bi ga razveselila; še njegovo bolniško posteljo za nekaj hipov spremeni v ...
Stephen M. Kamnik, 38, of Havertown, who was stationed at Troop K in Schwenksville, surrendered to authorities Wednesday and was released on unsecured bail of $1,000, Pennsylvania Attorney General ...
V prvi tekmi, ki se bo v Rdeči dvorani začela ob 17. uri, se bosta udarili ženski ekipi OTP banke Branik Maribor in Calcita Kamnik, v drugi, ki se bo začela ob 20. uri, pa moški ekipi i-Venta Maribor ...
Leta 2000 je postal pomočnik komandirja na PP Kamnik in leta 2002 še na PP Domžale. Leta 2005 se je zaposlil na delovnem mestu policijskega inšpektorja v Službi direktorja in nato kriminalističnega ...