The Breakthrough, a Swedish true-crime series that debuted on Netflix earlier this week, has proven to be a hit with viewers who have been left shaken by the chilling events ...
Nordic noir, also known as Scandinavian noir, has been a popular genre since the 1990s, but it’s the streaming boom of the ...
The BBC is gearing up to release a brand new crime series which focuses on the harsh reality of catfishing and cyberstalking ...
By Sarah Weinman Our columnist on a handful of recently reissued crime novels, all of which are worth your time. By Sarah Weinman Our critic on November’s best new books. By Sarah Weinman ...
Here are eight crime shows — both fiction and non-fiction — that kept me glued to my screen this year. Warning: There are some spoilers ahead. "Ripley" If production houses are on the hunt for ...
A NEW BBC programme is to investigate Britain’s most prolific female cyberstalker. BBC Three and BBC Scotland have ...
Blood Pact is a compelling read that opens with the death of a child at a London hospital where she is given the wrong blood ...
I mean, what a revelation he came to.” The structures of crime fiction, especially in a series, also felt comfortable. “It ...
Which books got you hooked on crime fiction? As a very young reader, I adored Encyclopedia Brown and “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler." After I begged my personal literary ...