Hypex is an innovative Dutch company, located in the city of Groningen. They produce a whole range of products, but are most famous for their class D amplifier modules. Hypex have a great reputation ...
Certainly, Linn needs no introduction. Besides the world renowned LP12, a top of the line turntable for more than a decade, its product range is significantly extended towards all other fields in High ...
This is a variation of a simple shunt regulator design that has been floating around on the net. It is a unity-gain (thanks to the feedback through C1) amplifier that consists of gain-element Q1 and ...
For some people, hi-fi can be a cruel mistress! An endless quest for better sound quality. Just when you are satisfied with one part of your system, another part cries out for up-grading! One of the ...
I admit it. I have been a recorderhead and I still am. In the early 80s I got introduced to the world of music, or was it audio?, courtesy of a friend who remarked that Nakamichis were the things to ...
This classic studio monitor was available variously from September 1974 to December 1995, despite the appearance of the successor to its domestic stablemate, the NS2000, in the early 1980's. It is ...
Tutto cominciò una fredda mattina d'inverno quando, dietro invito dell'amico Ruggero, mi recai a casa sua per ascoltare l'ultima fatica valvolare da lui realizzata. Che si trattasse di qualcosa di ...
Audio Note is elusive. If you are an avid reader of cellulose hifi magazines, you may have read appraisals from those top-class reviewers. Perhaps their product's unbelievable price tags are one of ...
Here we go with another challenger to the considered Holy Grail for vinyl replay that is the ubiquitous Moving Coil Cartridge and all the potential palaver that the owning of one entails. The regular ...
I sistemi Audiophile "all-in-one" (con tutti i componenti ospitati nello stesso chassis, n.d.t.) di questi tempi sono piuttosto popolari. Tutto ebbe inizio con il Linn Klassik, ma sono diventati ...
8 years ago, early on in my TNT adventures in Hi-Fi, I unpacked one component I'd really been looking forward to getting my hands on – the SME IV pick-up arm. The reasons for my excitement were pretty ...
Sicuramente le casse sono tra i componenti HiFi di più difficile scelta. Cercheremo intanto di capire alcuni concetti di base per poi addentrarci nella disamina di alcuni possibili criteri di scelta.