Restrictions on entering the country have been eased as part of a move to boost its flagging tourist industry.
The leader of the anti-immigration Reform UK party is a long-time ally of the ex-US president, who once dubbed him ‘Mr Brexit ...
A woman in China who had been successfully treated for a mental illness was forced to stay in hospital for a decade longer ...
Sex education remains taboo in Malaysian schools despite repeated calls to expand the topic beyond basic biology.
Hong Kong could host its first World Snooker Tour (WST) ranking tournament early next year, with the 10,000-seater indoor ...
Having come to power on the back of big promises of change, Labour will look to capitalise on the disorientation of ...
But rise of anti-immigration Reform UK party could increase resistance to BN(O) policy in the long run, experts say.
Beijing’s Korean peninsula headache could worsen if a Pyongyang-Moscow October surprise affects the US election, experts warn ...
Various levels of governments have been urged to boost purchases from small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the ...
Britain’s new Prime Minister Keir Starmer has been appointing his cabinet, with Rachel Reeves becoming the first woman in ...
Keir Starmer enters No 10 Downing Street with a long list of problems that could curtail any ‘honeymoon period’ offered by ...
Roughly 80 per cent of the people who have been the victim of “chikan”, the Japanese term for gropers, did not report it to ...