In the Paris 2024 summer, Olympic swimmers will be guided by their digital twin. Here’s how they work to help the fastest ...
Scientists, pilots and even a Jesuit priest have tried over decades to understand some of the most ferocious storms on Earth, ...
A low-tech immune boost may help some species of frogs survive a brutal fungal disease that’s already ended 90 species ...
While most Americans enjoy access to marijuana, barriers to research and knowledge expansion persist—with dangerous ...
If a stranger offered you a free cookie, you might well eat it. But what if they offered to also give you $2? You might politely decline and walk away thinking, “Something smells fishy.” In the ...
Rachel Feltman: Happy Monday, listeners! This is Rachel Feltman for Science Quickly, but you’re actually not listening to our weekly news roundup. See, crafting a news roundup that’s hot and fresh and ...
Ancient popcorn was probably not much like the snack you might munch at the movie theater today. There was probably no salt ...
And those signals—that light—tell us the story of the universe.
They just kept burning.” Eventually, he said, “I looked at my hands, and the skin had peeled off my palms like the skin from ...
The extent to which people experience “inner speech” varies greatly, and the differences matter for performing certain ...
Is a Drug Even Needed to Induce a Psychedelic Experience? A Stanford anesthesiologist deconstructs the component parts of ...
Horses roam freely in many parts of the world, such as the Great Plains in the U.S., but these are feral animals, members of ...