A study published in The BMJ looks at the links between air and noise pollution and infertility. Professor Jill Belch, an expert in vascular medicine and air pollution from the University of Dundee’s ...
“The new TB strategy recognises that culling badgers is not going to eradicate bovine TB, because most new cases of TB arise from cattle to cattle transmission. This is a welcome shift in policy.
“Some of the regulations that this report proposes are sensible, but the call to ban vape flavours other than tobacco is misguided. The target that doctors should worry about most of all is smoking, ...
As the global population is projected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050, the demand for protein is expected to rise significantly, with some estimating meat consumption alone could grow up to 50 per ...
A study published in Nature Communications looks at the feasibility of underground CO2 storage. Prof Stuart Haszeldine, Professor of Carbon Capture and Storage, University of Edinburgh, said: ...
Prof Nicholas Hopkinson, Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, said: “Following the success of the indoor smoking ban and the ban on ...
A study published in The BMJ looks at the association between certain diabetes drugs and lower risk of developing dementia. Professor Tara Spires-Jones, Deputy Director, Centre for Discovery Brain ...