Despite AI's explosive growth, the industry still needs to face facts that customers are unhappy about costs and vendor ...
Microsoft is adding a fast vector search index to Windows. It’s tailor-made for fast, local small language models like Phi ...
Experimental feature provides a graph view of the current branch, the current branch’s upstream branch, and an optional base ...
AWS researchers have developed a new method for designing an automated RAG evaluation mechanism that could help enterprises ...
Getting in front of AI risks includes understanding evolving regulations. Here’s what that means for cybersecurity leaders.
The ECMAScript 2024 specification includes a new feature for transferring ArrayBuffers and advanced capabilities for working ...
Escape the single-threaded event loop in browsers and on the server. Here's how to use worker threads and web workers for ...
Effective data-driven decision-making requires good tools, high-quality data, efficient processes, and prepared people.
Serverless was a big deal for a hot minute, but now it seems old-fashioned, even though its basic elements, agility and ...
Code quality platform based on the static code analysis engine of JetBrains IDEs is now available to run on your own ...
The new initiative will fund evaluations developed by third-party organizations that can effectively measure advanced ...
Amazon Q Developer works well for completing lines of code, doc strings, and if/for/while/try code blocks, but can’t generate ...