Newfangled designs intended to make football helmets more protective have overlooked one key component, a new study s ...
A decade of patient follow-up finds a combo of two immunotherapy drugs can greatly extend survival for people with adv ...
Vaping may look cool when you're young, but it appears to be dulling the brains of college students, a new study warn ...
Tiny puffs from asthma inhalers could be causing big climate problems for Mother Earth, a new study warns.Each inhale ...
Many parents worry that their kids aren’t popular enough, or that they aren’t making the right friends, a new survey ...
People should prepare for the fall cold and flu season by getting the updated influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations, an ...
Nearly a quarter of all ovarian cancers are fueled by family genetics, so what should you do if your mom or sister ar ...
Beans may sometimes give you gas, but one expert says that shouldn't stop you from finding ways to include them in ...
Boar's Head announced Friday that its Jarratt, Va. deli meat manufacturing plant, found to be the source of a deadly ...
New research uncovers a possible reason why teenaged girls struggled so mightily with their mental health during the ...
In a case that continues to confound scientists, U.S. health officials said Thursday that they still don't know how ...
Vitamin supplements are a big business, with Americans spending roughly $45 billion out of more than $177 billion worldwide ...