Since its unanticipated wine awards success in 2011, Ningxia has emerged as China’s fine wine-producing hotbed. After 13 ...
As the winery enters a new era as part of the Prosit Group, innovation and renewal go hand-in-hand with continuity and ...
上乘佳酿令人心动,随着时光荏苒见证美酒的成长,更是葡萄酒爱好者们不可多得的乐趣。因此,打造一个良好的储酒场所就 ...
干果(枣、葡萄干和无花果干)香气独特美好,有煮水果和焦糖的甜美。草本余味非常持久。 返回2021年Decanter世界葡萄酒大赛获奖中国葡萄酒 - 白金奖,金奖和银奖 DecanterChina.com刊登的所有内容 ...
产区: 圣艾美浓,波尔多,法国 葡萄: 梅乐,赤霞珠,品丽珠 酿酒商: 富尔泰/弗禾岱酒庄(Château Clos Fourtet) 酒精度: 13% 适饮期: 现在到2020年 富尔泰酒庄位于圣艾美浓(St Emilion)那片著名高地 ...
国家: 中国 产区: 宁夏 次级产区: 贺兰山东麓 葡萄品种: 25%马瑟兰,50%黑比诺,25%西拉 酿酒商: 酩悦轩尼诗夏桐(宁夏)酒庄 ...
Lovely and seductive on the nose with orange peel, saffron, spicy and honey. On the palate, very perfumed with paprika undertones. Back to 2024 DWWA: Award-winning ...
气味芬芳,充满紫罗兰和蓝莓的香气,黑色和蓝色水果的味道在口腔中非常浓郁可口。那紧实的单宁贯穿始终,让酒更加复杂,具有结构感。应在酒窖中再储藏至少五年。 返回布鲁诺Brunello 2010 ...
鲜活而清新,纯净而爽口,带有长相思经典的鹅莓(类似大粒酸葡萄)和青柠的香氛。可能并不那么浓郁,但平衡良好。入口稍欠架构,但收尾非常令人满足。 返回7款来自南半球的获奖白葡萄 ...
非常成熟,甜美的黑色水果风味充满口腔。这款添普兰尼洛/丹魄十分纯净,橡木的使用恰到好处,厚实华丽。香草和黑醋栗 ...
Fresh blackcurrant aromas with minty notes and rich liquorice undertones, seasoned by well-judged oak. Firm tannins, with a warm finish. Back to 2024 DWWA: Award ...
For the second year running, Blaye has come storming into our Best in Show selection, and on this occasion with a Value wine from the exciting 2018 vintage. It was a warm and generous year, and you ...