Christian Post reporter Samantha Kamman recently visited Israel and spoke with victims and residents to learn more about how ...
Cal Zastrow was sentenced to six months in federal prison in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday after being convicted earlier ...
The Episcopal Church has approved the merger of three Wisconsin dioceses into one regional body, concluding a process that ...
The Biden administration has agreed for the United States to help pay for flights and assist Panama s government with ...
“… echoing the account of the Bible.” The story reminds me of a scene from a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, when a character ...
The United Kingdom's Labour Party won a landslide victory in the parliamentary election, capturing nearly two-thirds of the ...
The state of Oklahoma has entered the emerging debate over the role that the Bible in particular and religion in general ...
The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) has issued a statement refuting claims by a Russian Evangelical leader who told ...
A tribal religion villager in India killed his 32-year-old niece with axe blows and stones last week, claiming she and her ...
As I read the recent indiscretions of Tony Evans and Robert Morris, I looked at myself in the mirror and asked God two ...
A federal judge in Mississippi has blocked the implementation of a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services rule that ...
A Guatemalan man who illegally entered the United States after he had already been deported previously has been charged with ...