Former President Donald Trump said he disagrees with some of the pillars of the conservative effort as “ridiculous,” although ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., independent presidential candidate, shared on X that he "won't take sides on 9/11," adding to his slew of entertaining conspiracy theories.
President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign ignored the worst storm of criticism the candidate has endured with a $50 million ad blitz announcement Friday.
After allegations that Wisconsin’s ballot boxes eroded voter integrity, the state’s highest court is allowing them to be used again this November.
After spending years defending Biden as a qualified, intelligent, and deeply alive political figure, the media uniformly dropped their Biden 2024 placards.
Next Generation PAC is aiming to raise as much as $100 million to help support a Democratic candidate who replaces President ...
President Joe Biden received a medical checkup from White House physicians in the days following his dismal debate ...
Biden lies too
From his very first failed presidential campaign through to today, President Joe Biden has always been an accomplished liar.
Former President Donald Trump challenged President Joe Biden to a "no holds barred" debate format without a moderator.
Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer warned that Republicans should shift away from denying the results of recent elections, saying ...
Her comments follow reports that Biden told a group of Democrat governors who visited the White House that he should get more ...
By reintroducing civics, we can impart a lost generation with a sense of purpose instead of a sense of entitlement.