Iceland´s glaciers are retreating at such a speed so rapidly that future generations may wonder how Iceland got its name.
Almost all European city-dwellers (96%) are exposed to concentrations of fine particles well above the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. In 2021, this reference threshold was set at 5 µg/m³, ...
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the University of Bonn have renewed their partnership, reinforcing their commitment to leveraging space technology in response to growing ...
Sigrid Kaag, the Senior UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Action and Reconstruction in Gaza, press briefing at UNRIC Brussels ...
The members of the Security Council expressed concern at recent developments and tensions in Libya. They called on Libyan actors and institutions to urgently refrain from any unilateral actions which ...
The Syria Recovery Trust Fund (SRTF) has announced a new contribution from Denmark, amounting to approximately EUR 2.41 million. This marks Denmark’s second contribution this year... WFP, the United ...
Accreditation for media is now available for the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the United Nations Convention to... The COP 28 Presidency and the COP 29 incoming Presidency ...
A poluição atmosférica diminuiu nas últimas duas décadas na Europa, mas continua a ser um dos principais riscos ecológicos para a saúde. É o que recorda o Programa das Nações Unidas para o Ambiente (P ...
Afrika leidet laut einem UN-Bericht unverhältnismäßig stark unter den Folgen des globalen Klima­wandels. Mit rund 0,3 Grad pro Jahrzehnt in den Jahren 1991 bis 2023 erwärme sich der Kontinent etwas ...
Die Taliban-Regierung in Afghanistan hat erklärt, dass sie die Zusammenarbeit mit der UN-Mission in dem asiatischen Land ...