Being an interpreter was fun because of gaffes like that that are funny in hindsight. The international staff of the Arms ...
The devastating calamities India has faced over the past few months certainly seem to suggest that climate change is already ...
The Basnet family is among tens of thousands who move to the high mountains on the Tibet border in the pre-monsoon yarsa gold ...
Pasang Lhamu Sherpa was the first Nepali woman to climb Mt Everest, but she died on the descent. She is a national icon, but ...
On a certain February morning earlier this year, we gathered in the drawing room of a friend, reading through the drafts of a ...
Persistent poverty in Nepal is also linked to skewed land ownership. Over 23% of families who own less than 0.2 hectares of ...
“The political apathy to prioritise action against air pollution is the crux of the problem,” states environmentalist Bhushan ...
On 19 August 2004, the Ansa al-Sunna took 12 Nepalis working at a US base hostage in Iraq. Less than two weeks later, they ...
Thinley Lhamo won the Boccalino d'Oro Prize for Best Acting Performance at the 77th Locarno International Film Festival in ...
Needless to say, measuring the climate impact on culture and heritage must go beyond climate loss and damage and be an ...
Although it is still almost two years away, the organisers of the Kathmandu Triennale are not waiting till the last moment to ...