The Harvard Art Museums encourage the use of images found on this website for personal, noncommercial use, including educational and scholarly purposes. To request a higher resolution file of this ...
As both a founder of the Munich Secession and an influential teacher at the city’s Royal Academy (where his students included Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky), Franz von Stuck was a central figure in ...
A group of young men in their bathing suits are swimming in a body of water located in the foreground of the scene. On the right-hand side of the foreground, one man is pulling another out of the ...
Hans Silvius von Aulock, Istanbul; sold [through Christie's, New York, June 13, 2000, no.556] to Harvard University Art Museums. The Harvard Art Museums encourage the use of images found on this ...
The painting shows a large white shape of straight lines and sharp above a gray horizon. Thin, lightly applied rectangles of white radiate out from it across a sky which is blue fading to gray where ...
A mans head and neck are shown, and his neck ends at the base in an uneven way which seems broken. He has a square face, a narrow mouth with full lips, a wide flat nose, and narrow round eyes which ...
At center is a nude male figure with his back to the viewer. In his right hand, he lifts an over sized key, while a large metal chain is draped over his shoulder. He bends down at the waist, gripping ...
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A long flat piece of mottled dark olive green jade with white flecks, is carved into a vertical rectangular shape with inward curving sides. The short, top side curves more sharply inward to form two ...
At top, a bearded figure with white hair and a long beard leans over a cloud, pointing one arm straight downward at a scene showing two creatures. Angels hover at either side of him, and just below ...
Cézanne painted this landscape when he was working alongside Camille Pissarro in the Oise valley, north of Paris. Their work from this period shares many of the same features; the houses at the center ...