The late 1990s saw the widespread introduction of solid-state storage based around NAND Flash. Ranging from memory cards for ...
Conventional batteries have anodes and cathodes, but a new design from the University of Chicago and the University of ...
If you’ve ever seen the cockpit of an airplane, you’ve probably noticed the round ball that shows your attitude, and if you are like us, you’ve wondered exactly how the Attitude ...
In the 60’s and 70’s there were many ways to display numeric data. Nixie tubes, Vacuum Florescent Displays (VFD), micro projection systems, you name it. All of them had advantages and ...
LCD and OLED – being far from perfect, there is still plenty of room in the market for the Next Big Thing. One of the ...
When homebrewing a CPU, one has to deal with microcode. Microcode is the low-level nuts and bolts of how, precisely, a CPU ...
[Thomas Scherrer] likes to tear down old test equipment, and often, we remember the devices he opens up or — at least — we’ve ...
There’s nothing more guaranteed to excite a grizzled old railway enthusiast than the sight of a steam locomotive. The ...
If you want someone to keep your business card around, you should probably make it really cool-looking, or have it do ...
If you’re designing a universal port, you will be expected to provide power. This was a lesson learned in the times of LPT ...
Most of us would equate commercial airline travel with fixed-wing aircraft, but civilian transport by helicopter, especially ...
Arduino Nano board, and a convenient software library intended to measure the value of capacitors. The basic idea is that it ...