I am using the EMIF interface to access both an external SRAM and an FPGA. Do you recommend adding series resistors (10-22 ohms each) to the EMIF signal lines, since the interface will be running at ...
I am working with the TIDEP-01032 example from the AM243x Motor Control SDK 09.02.00 and don't understand how the EtherCAT Firmware is loaded onto the PRU-ICSSG. In the EtherCAT Slave Simple Demo, ...
Can the IN+ and IN- of the INA180-Q1 current sensing operational amplifier meet the 5B pulse requirements? (Note: The front-end circuit will have a TVS tube, clamp voltage: 38.9V) ...
I encountered a problem when debugging the HRPWM. The EPWMCLK is 100MHz,I think the MEP_ScaleFactor should be 65 or 66 cause the MEP step size is 150ps. But when I use the SFO function, the ...
I start to familiarize myself with the new TPLD devices and I built a test-file for different delay options. Your suggestion above seems to work in my file, but the ...
TPS61165DRVRG4 is constant current LED driver. The LCD module backlight has a spec for both voltage and current. for example, our backlight has a current spec 180mA and voltage spec typ 9.6V, max10.2V ...
We are working on a custom board with F2800157 MCU. Same MCU Launchpad with DRV8353 we can run the motor smoothly at various speeds. But when we moved the code verified code to the custom board, the ...
I received the new data sheets for the DS90UB953 and TSER953 from our PCM team. I particularly noticed that chapter has now been expanded to include the ‘Temperature Ramp Down Range’.
We have found LM5064 for the solution. As per the datasheet page#21 to maintain accuracy, the sense resistor voltage should not be less than 3 mV. But our calculated Vsense voltage comes near 1.5mV.
firewall can config channel (register) and region (memory usage) and must be 0x40000 aligned. in firewall if I config msram 0x70000000 to be locked, is it esquivent that In mpu config, I config msram ...
I have been characterizing two 12V lead-acid batteries in series (totaling 24V, 12 cells), 7Ah, with a float voltage of 13.5V and a cyclic voltage of 14.4V. What would my Design Energy be? The ...
I am trying to use TPS61165 IC. I am using this IC for LCD Back light control, Which has 27 LED (3S ,9P). Required LCD backlight forward voltage: 9.6V (Typ) Required LCD backlight forward Current: ...