The David crew were weak defensively for a long time in the Ländle, twice trailing by two goals. Nevertheless, it was enough ...
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience with an important warning function that protects us from dangerous ...
Since late Thursday afternoon, a major search operation had been underway for a German man (21) who had gone missing in the ...
Someone is really angry ... Because Corbetta's mayor has blabbed the whereabouts of AC Milan's new signing Alvaro Morato, the ...
Tyrolean Reinhold Dullnig is a crime writer and passionate schnapps distiller. The "Krone" looked over the shoulder of the ...
The current third President of the National Council, Norbert Hofer, wants to come first with the FPÖ in the Burgenland state ...
Political rebel from the Vienna Woods invites people to a citizens' assembly. However, his demands have either already been ...
Crooks from Italy wanted to rob a 28-year-old man from the Mühlviertel region of his Porsche. After driving 900 kilometers, ...
From paramedic to Olympic champion and athlete of the year! After his civilian service in Brunn am Gebirge, kitesurfer ...
A U-turn in the case of "Michi" - Richard Lugner's surviving four-legged friend: Simone is not supposed to have thrown him ...
Biofuel is supposed to save CO2 in road traffic. Ten and seven percent biogenic fuel is already added to petrol and diesel. A ...
The Arge für Obdachlose is breaking new ground with the sale of the "Kupfermuckn": After the turn of the year, the street ...