Despite their different styling approaches, both Shilpa Shetty and Madhuri Dixit absolutely nailed the same Puneet Balana lehenga. We can’t decide who wore it better but you do let us know in ...
During the celebration, she performed on the famous Madhuri Dixit track "Badi Mushkil Baba Badi Mushkil." Hania, dressed in a beautiful blue lehenga with her hair flowing, impressed everyone with ...
Actor Madhuri Dixit, who attended Anant Ambani and Radhika ... Convention Centre on Friday with her family. She wore a pastel lehenga. Shriram Nene also opted for a traditional outfit.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], July 13 (ANI): Dancing queen of Bollywood, Madhuri Dixit Nene exuded elegance ... looked enchanting in a pastel-toned lehenga. Both the diva and her husband Shriram ...
Interestingly, the same lehenga was previously worn by the iconic Madhuri Dixit in March 2024 at an event. The veteran star wore the stunning piece with a longer silk top and accessorised the look ...
Madhuri Dixit and Karisma Kapoor met again on the ... wore a yellow embellished jacket lehenga set. The two divas were seen to the T as they took over the stage on the show. Check out the video ...