The network effect is a phenomenon whereby increased numbers of people or participants improve the value of a good or service. The more popular a business or product grows, the more the users ...
Adderall is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. The effects can be positive when taken as intended but dangerous if you use it without medical supervision.
The halo effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when an initial positive judgment about a person unconsciously colors the perception of the individual as a whole. When forming a first impression ...
The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation, against a bully, or during an assault or other crime. The greater the ...
Diabetes can affect many parts of your body, including heart, kidneys, eyes, feet, and legs. Various complications are possible the longer you live with the condition and if you have high blood ...
The placebo effect is a mysterious phenomenon that happens when someone’s medical symptoms are lessened through the power of suggestion and expectation – for instance if someone’s illness ...
The entourage effect is a theory that purports the synergistic effect of combining compounds in the cannabis plant. It suggests that using them together may provide more significant health benefits.
This doctrine says that if doing something morally good has a morally bad side-effect, it's ethically OK to do it providing the bad side-effect wasn't intended. This is true even if you foresaw ...
If you need proof, exhibit A is Dr. James H. Yizar Jr., known to everyone by his childhood nickname “Byrd,” who retired Aug. 15 from a distinguished 40-year academic career at Idaho State ...
For people who have diabetes, the Somogyi effect and the dawn phenomenon both cause higher blood sugar levels in the morning. The dawn phenomenon happens naturally, but the Somogyi effect usually ...
1. Increases Alertness and Cognition The most common known effect of caffeine is increased energy levels. Through blocking adenosine receptors, it staves off sleepiness and makes you feel more awake.
This very blend of curiosity and defiance is what often leads to a fascinating and ironic psychological phenomenon: the “Streisand effect.” In 2003, the California Coastal Records Project ...