John Roberts, Supreme Court
We got hyperfocused in this media cycle on Donald Trump himself, but I would like to talk about what all this says about the ...
The Supreme Court immunity opinion managed to block Trump from being prosecuted for "official acts" even if he were to be ...
When Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said during his confirmation hearing that "no one is above the law in our ...
In some highly notional sense his opinion is worth no more than John Roberts’ or Sam Alito’s. But obviously if we’re interested in what the Constitution meant to those at the time, those who were in ...
In its awful immunity ruling on Monday benefiting Donald Trump, the court seems so worried about future threats to democracy ...
As Jefferson got to the part about King Geroge III usurping the rights of the people and the authority of colonial ...
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The court’s conservative justices have rewritten the Constitution to place the judiciary above both Congress and the ...